Friday, January 1, 2010

Theme Day: Changes

Sorry for having been gone without explanation these past two weeks. Computer and travel issues combined to make posting difficult. No better time to pick the ball back up than on a theme day.

"Perpetual concessions" at our local cemetery, a strange thought to me and, I would think, most people of today.

This will also begin a series from the cemetery (just so much material!) in which I hope you will find many thought-provoking stories that will not be too morbid to ring in the new year.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. Ahha ... a new arrival into CDPB land and a new participant in our Theme Day. I hope you sort out the bugs and can come back later in the day looking refreshed!

  2. A very contemplative image. Nice.

  3. Ahh, you have my attention immediately. I am a graveyard tragic from way back. I am pleased that you got your Theme Day image up eventually.

    I wish you health, peace and happiness as you journey through twenty ten.
